Mobil Pegasus 1005 has extended oil drain intervals by 150%*
Oil drain intervals increased by
UP TO 150%

Caterpillar CAT 3516 C natural gas engines
Combined Heat and Power (CHP) plants
United Kingdom
ExxonMobil Fuels & Lubricants worked alongside a UK district energy company to help improve productivity and bring significant cost savings to its operation. The company operates several tri-generation sites which produce heat, power and chilled water to meet the needs of some of the most pivotal public and private energy users in the Midlands. Using previous mineral engine oil, the company was achieving 1,000 hour oil change intervals based on used oil analysis results.
To achieve significant increase in the efficiency of the gas engines used across five Combined Heat and Power (CHP) plants, ExxonMobil recommended upgrading to the premium gas engine oil, Mobil Pegasus™ 1005 as well as continue monitor oil condition with ExxonMobil’s Mobil Serv Lubricant Analysis (MSLA) programme.
Mobil Pegasus 1005 gas engine oil has increased oil drain interval (ODI) by 150% when compared against the previous mineral product. After 2,500 hours of use, ExxonMobil’s Mobil Serv Lubricant Analysis (MSLA) has shown that the oil was still suitable for application.
*This proof of performance is based on the experience of a single customer. Actual results can vary depending upon the type of equipment used and its maintenance, operating conditions and environment, and any prior lubricant used.
** Visit to learn how certain Mobil-branded lubricants may provide benefits to help reduce environmental impact. Actual benefits will depend upon product selected, operating conditions and applications.