Family with car in snow

What goes in your engine matters.

Keep your car going with Mobil 1™ - a brand of lubricants that you can trust.

Cars play many roles in our lives: They get us to work and the store, they represent an investment, they bring joy when we share a family road trip or own that treasured model that makes us proud simply by looking at it.

For these reasons and more, we offer a full range of leading-edge synthetic Mobil 1™ motor oils and decades of experience in formulating, testing and delivering lubricants that you can trust for that family member known as your car.

Our products

If your car has more than 75,000 miles

  • high mileage oils.

    High mileage motor oils

    High mileage engines – those with more than 75,000 miles – face a number of potential problems that high mileage oil is specifically formulated to address.

    Learn more about High mileage motor oils
  • Honda POP engine

    15K miles of protection. 1 high mileage vehicle.

    We unleashed our most powerful high mileage protection in a used car. See the test results of Mobil 1™ Extended Performance High Mileage motor oil.

    Learn more about 15K miles of protection. 1 high mileage vehicle

If your car has a turbocharger

  • Mobil 1? motor oils provide outstanding LSPI protection

    Low-speed pre-ignition (LSPI): 4 things you should know

    Mobil 1™ motor oils provide outstanding protection against the damaging effects of low-speed pre-ignition (LSPI).

    Learn more about Low-speed pre-ignition (LSPI): 4 things you should know
  • Green porsche

    Mobil 1 – proven performance for turbochargers

    Discover how Mobil 1 advanced full synthetic motor oil provides outstanding protection and performance for modern turbocharged engines.

    Learn more about turbocharger-performance-with-mobil-1
  • How turbochargers and superchargers differ

    How turbochargers and superchargers differ

    Turbochargers and superchargers can both be found in modern engines, but only one delivers extra power and improved fuel efficiency.

    Learn more about Turbocharger vs superchargers

If you drive a hybrid car

  • Hybrid vehicle plugged into a charging station

    All about hybrid vehicles

    Learn about the history of hybrids and how the engine technology leverages alternatives to traditional fossil fuels.

    Learn more about all-about-hybrid-vehicles
  • No reformulation needed in order for Mobil 1™ oils to meet API SN Plus standard

    Mobil 1™ for modern engines

    Mobil 1™ advanced motor oils are formulated to protect with proven performance today’s modern engines including those with turbochargers and start-stop system technology.

  • M1 oil pour GF6

    A new standard

    The new ILSAC GF-6 standard for engine oils improves your vehicle’s fuel economy and engine performance. We’ve met and exceeded the standards with many of our Mobil™ motor oils.