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News and updates  

Stay up to date with what’s going on in the world of ExxonMobil industrial lubricants through this archive of our media releases and publications.
  • Mobil app scanning MSLA

    Mobil Serv℠ Lubricant Analysis

    Our new, state-of-the-art lubricant analysis service launches in the US and Canada.

  • AWAE logo and picure of a windmill

    Webinar: Providing expert insights

    Expert panelists share wind performance insights in this free, 60-minute webinar.

  • Wind turbine open gearbox

    The right grease matters

    Is your wind turbine grease protecting your investment and maximizing productivity?

  • engineer testing turbine

    Find solutions

    Our new digital knowledge center offers lubrication tips, insights and best practices.

  • Engineer in Machine Shop

    Machine shop productivity

    Optimizing your lubrication program can enhance long-term equipment reliability and performance.

  • Engineers with hard hats discussing

    Creating a safety culture

    Implementing safety best practices helps protect employees and equipment from accidents.

  • Gear screw application lubricant

    Combating corrosion

    Through proper lubrication, you can mitigate the high cost of equipment corrosion.

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