mobil super products 2020

Mobil Super™ motor oil

The Mobil Super brand of premium motor oils helps protect against sludge and wear to help extend engine oil life. Consider the Mobil Super family of products for high-quality motor oil if price is a consideration.

We offer a full synthetic in Mobil Super™ Synthetic motor oil, which provides outstanding engine protection for a wide variety of temperatures and driving conditions.

Or consider Mobil Super or Mobil Super™ High Mileage motor oil for cars with more than 75,000 miles. These synthetic blend motor oils offer the advantage of a higher quality main ingredient (base stocks) than conventional oils, which is then blended with performance additives to create the finished product.

Protect your engine with Mobil Super oils
Learn why protecting against wear and sludge is important.

  • Engine wear protection
    An engine is an assembly of moving parts located very close together. Motor oil maintains the separation between these parts. The friction of metal against metal can cause these parts to wear down, gradually robbing your engine of power and performance. In severe cases, wear can lead to engine failure – and an expensive repair.
  • Helps combat sludge
    Sludge can form in your engine from a variety of sources and coat and clog critical components – which can prevent those components from moving the way they should move.


  • Mobil Super™ Synthetic oil

    Mobil Super™ Synthetic

    Mobil Super™ Synthetic motor oils outperform conventional oils and helps extend engine life.

    0W-20 | 5W-20 | 5W-30

  • Mobil Super™ Synthetic Euro 5W-40

    Mobil Super™ Synthetic Euro

    For vehicles requiring a 5W-40 viscosity that meet European specifications


  • Mobil Super™ motor oils

    Mobil Super™ motor oil

    Helps protect against sludge and engine wear

  • Find the right motor oil.

    Find the right motor oil

    Use the product selector for oil and filter recommendations for your car or truck.

  • Mobil Super™ motor oils

    Mobil Super Warranty

    Mobil Super™ synthetic blend motor oils is warranted to be free from defects and to protect your vehicle’s critical engine parts from oil-related failure.

  • full synthetic oils 2020

    Types of synthetic oil

    Did you know that not all synthetic oils perform the same? Discover the differences and which is right for your car.