Tips all drivers should know
When our cars don’t work like we expect them to, it can really throw a spanner into the works. Especially when we feel like we’ve done everything– from regular servicing to following all the DIY car care tips we can find.
But that’s where the danger lies. Before acting on tips you read online, it’s always good to question them. They could end up being myths that cause more harm than good.
Let’s discuss these 5 common myths.
Myth #1: Pump tires only when they “feel” softVerdict: FALSE
We’ve all had this thought. But this is in fact, a myth. There’s no way to tell if tires are well-inflated through sight or touch – you’ll need an air pressure gauge.
Check the air pressure in your tires monthly. Properly inflated tires can reduce road resistance, improve fuel economy, and help tires last longer – saving you money in the long run.
Myth #2: Change engine oils every 5,000kmVerdict: FALSE
This was true in the 1970s. But boy, have times changed! Using Mobil 1TM synthetic engine oils can increase your oil drainage intervals and keep your engine running like new for up to 10,000 km. This, of course, depends on your engine and the way you drive.
Check which engine oil works best for your car -
Myth #3: Screeching is a sign of engine problemsVerdict: SOMEWHAT TRUE
When the car makes a weird sound, we immediately think “Oh no, more engine problems”. But is it really?
Screeching during braking is usually a sign that your brake pads are so worn down that the brake indicators are rubbing against the rotor. The noise could also be due to excessive vibrations in your engine. Either way, it’s time to call your mechanic.
Myth #4: Filling up in the morning is cheaperVerdict: FALSE
It is believed that petrol is more condensed in the cooler morning air. So when it expands in the afternoon heat, you’ll get more petrol in your tank, despite paying for less. Sadly, that’s false. Petrol doesn’t contract and expand like other liquids.
And here’s another myth about filling up – shaking your car doesn’t fit more fuel into your tank. In actual fact, excess fuel flows into the car’s charcoal canister causing damage, or back to the station’s storage tank. Essentially, you’ll end up paying more for nothing!
Myth #5: Engines need to be warmed up before drivingVerdict: FALSE
In the past, you might have heard your parents talking about “warming up the car” before driving. So if your warm up routine means leaving your car on idle for more than 3 minutes, you’re actually wasting fuel! Today, modern engines actually warm up faster as you drive.
But before happily revving your engine from the get-go, ensure that your engine is well protected. Mobil 1 engine oils flow freely at temperatures as low as -40ºC, helping you reduce wear by coating critical engine parts 15 seconds faster than mineral oils. This means that Mobil 1 begins protecting your engine even at start-up.
There is, of course, an endless list of car care myths that may be causing unnecessary disappointment to others like you. To keep your car performing at its best, always check with your mechanic before following any tip you’ve heard from questionable sources.