Mobil 1™ Extended Performance FAQs

Product FAQs

FAQs for Mobil 1™ Extended Performance

Mobil 1 Extended Performance is a synthetic oil designed to keep your engine running like new even during today’s longer service intervals. With Mobil 1 Extended Performance synthetic motor oil, you get proven protection up to 20,000 miles, guaranteed. It’s an advanced full synthetic formulation and offers outstanding all‐around protection that outperforms our synthetic blends and many of our regular full synthetic motor oils.

Mobil 1 Extended Performance has an even more robust formula that has been proven in extensive field tests to help protect critical engine parts for 20,000 miles between oil changes – guaranteed. We’ve selected specific synthetic components to deliver this outstanding level of performance.

Mobil 1 Extended Performance synthetic oil is recommended for oil change intervals up to 20,000 miles or one year, whichever occurs first. However, if your vehicle manufacturer recommends an oil change interval beyond 20,000 miles and Mobil 1 Extended Performance meets the performance level specified, you can be assured that Mobil 1 Extended Performance will go the distance.

You do not need to flush your engine prior to changing to Mobil 1 Extended Performance motor oil.

All viscosities of Mobil 1™ Extended Performance meet ILSAC GF‐5. Additionally, they meet or exceed the requirements of various ACEA (European) specifications.

These claims relate to all typical consumer driving conditions, excluding those mentioned below. In other words, if you drive under normal conditions and use Mobil 1™ Extended Performance synthetic oil in your vehicle, the oil is guaranteed to protect your engine for 20,000 miles. We also recommend that drivers consult their owner’s manual while their vehicle is under warranty, and follow the guidelines set forth there. Additionally, we recommend that if consumers drive routinely in severe conditions that they follow the oil change interval recommended in their owner's manual for severe conditions. We define "severe conditions" as:

  • Racing or commercial applications
  • Frequent towing or hauling
  • Extremely dusty or dirty conditions
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