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Energy efficiency guide: Saving energy off the road

How you work off the road is just as important as the drive itself.

Walk-around energy survey

The quickest way of identifying if and how energy is being wasted is to walk around an office, workshop or production facility, and visually carry out an energy survey using a simple checklist to record any issues (good or bad). Walk-around surveys should be carried out regularly in order to raise awareness (e.g., every two weeks). The aim of the survey is to identify the more easily recognizable issues, such as workshop doors being left open or computers being left on overnight.

Meter readings

It won’t always be possible to easily notice where energy is being wasted. Analyzing utility meter readings will provide an indication of actual trends and highlight any unexpected fluctuations in energy use, so having calibrated metering in place is essential. Ask the utility energy suppliers to either confirm meter accuracy or replace existing inaccurate meters.

Smart metering

  • A clear record of when the energy has been used.
  • Calculation of how much energy is costing.
  • Real-time accurate information.

Third-party building assessments

There are specialist consultants that can offer independent assessments to identify opportunities and solutions that can reduce energy consumption, carbon emissions and costs. This investment often pays for itself.

Helpful tips: Offices and buildings

Heating/hot water, ventilation and air conditioning can take up a lot of energy. For example, space heating is a major energy cost. It’s not unusual for half of an office’s energy cost to be for heating, and these heating costs could be reduced by 30 percent with simple energy saving measures.§

Check Action/Benefit
Areas are not being overheated Turning the thermostat down by about 2 degrees Fahrenheit can reduce heating costs by 8 percent.**
Areas are not being heated and cooled at the same time Setting a dead band between heating and cooling might reduce this effect. Set heating at 66.2 degrees Fahrenheit and cooling at 75.2 degrees Fahrenheit.†† Solar effects can have an impact, so use window blinds to stop unwanted heating.
Control timers are set correctly Switch off heating/cooling overnight and on weekends and bank holidays if it’s not required.
Ensure boilers are working efficiently and regularly serviced Poorly operating boilers can add 30 percent to heating costs.‡‡
Areas with a low hot water requirement without heating Use local water heaters; main boilers could then be switched off.
Air conditioning systems – units with dirty air filters will operate inefficiently Regularly maintain equipment.
Ventilation systems – if fans are left running Ensure ventilation systems are used only when required. Install timers to control fans.

Helpful tips: Lighting

Lighting can be responsible for up to 40 percent of a building’s electricity use. It’s possible to cut lighting costs by up to 30 percent by implementing energy saving measures.§§

Check Action/Benefit
Lighting left on in unoccupied rooms, cupboards and corridors Provide awareness training to turn lights off when not required or install occupancy sensors.
Natural light sources Use wherever possible, but also consider the solar heating effects.
Light fittings are not old, dirty or working inefficiently Install energy-efficient lighting, time controls and keep diffusers clean.
External lighting Turn off floodlights during daylight and install energy-efficient floodlights.

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