Mobilith SHC™ 007 synthetic grease helps paper company reduce grease consumption and coupling failure*
Company-estimated annual savings of
US $34K

Metso HK coupling
Hunan Yueyang Paper Co. Ltd.
Hunan Yueyang Paper Co. Ltd. installed a paper line in 2003 with a production speed of 1500 m/s and capacity of 200,000 tons per year. Lubricated with a conventional mineral grease, the paper line’s gear couplings experienced poor adhesion and fluidity, which caused frequent failure, unscheduled downtime and reduced production. In an effort to improve equipment reliability, the company approached ExxonMobil for a lubricant solution capable of reducing gear coupling failure and improving productivity.
ExxonMobil engineers recommended switching to Mobilith SHC™ 007 synthetic grease. As an ISO VG 460 grade grease formulated with a synthetic base fluid and lithium complex thickener, Mobilith SHC 007 offers excellent adhesion, structural stability and resistance to water.
After transitioning all of its gear couplings to Mobilith SHC 007 synthetic grease, the company did not report a single coupling failure for three years and was able to reduce grease consumption and unscheduled downtime, thereby improving equipment reliability and improving productivity.