Mobil Unirex™ N2 grease helps Chinese steel maker save US $7,624 annually*
Grease re-lubrication intervals
extended by 3x.

Bayi Steel Co. Ltd. is a large-scale steel manufacturer in Xinjiang with 3.5 million tons of production capability per year. The key equipment in the factory is the straightening machine, which operates under severe conditions of high temperatures and humidity. The electric motors that provide power to the straightening machines were lubricated with a molybdenum disulfide lithium-based grease that was not providing sufficient protection, causing the electric motors to be replaced every three months. The company approached ExxonMobil engineers for a better electric motor grease solution.
The ExxonMobil engineer recommended Mobil Unirex™ N2 grease to lubricate the electric motor bearings. In addition, the engineer recommended the use of Mobil Engineering Services, including on-site inspections and technical clinics.
Since making the transition to Mobil Unirex™ N2, the company reports that the electric motors have been operating flawlessly and service intervals have been extended from three to nine months, which has improved productivity. These benefits provided savings estimated by the company at US $7,624.
*This proof of performance is based on the experience of a single customer. Actual results can vary depending upon the type of equipment used and its maintenance, operating conditions and environment, and any prior lubricant used.