Leveraging digitalisation to optimise plastics processing
The rise of digitalisation and Industry 4.0 has the potential to change the plastics processing landscape. Check out our latest guide and webinar to find out how this innovation, combined with advanced lubricants can help improve your bottom line.
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Save energy the smart way
6 steps to unlocking the energy saving potential in your plant
Changing your hydraulic oil is a great way to cut the energy consumption of an injection moulding plant yielding up to 6%* improved efficiency. Read what other steps you can take and where to start.
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Injecting plastics with lubrication benefits
Using the right fluid and monitoring package can help you meet your energy targets
The European Commission’s focus on sustainable growth is putting pressure on the plastics industry to cut its energy use. Choosing the right hydraulic fluid can help. Find out how here.
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Free “Energy Saving Guide” For Injection Moulders
Practical advice on how to reduce energy use in your plant
Looking to save energy and optimise your plastics processing operation? Download our free handbook for practical tips to save energy and cut costs.
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