Mobil Delvac Synthetic ATF

Advanced Technology Synthetic Automatic Transmission Fluid

Mobil Delvac Synthetic ATF is a fully synthetic fluid recommended by Allison Transmission, Inc. and approved against the Allison TES-295 and TES-468 Specifications. The fluid is designed to meet the demanding requirements of modern heavy duty automatic transmissions - conventional as well as hybrid models. The synthetic base oil composition enables excellent performance even in some of the harshest of operating conditions. It offers outstanding gear shifting and power transfer performance. Versus conventional ATF fluids, the inherently high viscosity index and stability of Mobil Delvac Synthetic ATF protects against thermal breakdown at high operating temperatures, while still providing outstanding performance at sub-zero temperatures.


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Features and Benefits

Mobil Delvac Synthetic ATF advanced technology has demonstrated extended drain, long-term friction retention, and low-temperature capability. Further, it improves overall transmission durability and cleanliness. Key features and benefits include

Features Advantages and Potential Benefits
Enhanced, long-term frictional properties. Helps improve overall and extends transmission efficiency, smooth shifting performance and fuel economy.
Exceptional thermal and oxidation stability. Keeps transmissions clean to extend life and performance even under some of the harshest driving conditions.
Outstanding film-strength and anti-wear properties. Significant wear reduction and long transmission life.
Excellent low-temperature fluidity. Provides prompt and reliable lubrication at sub-zero ambient temperatures down to –54º C.
Exceptional shear stability. Leads to viscosity retention even under the severest heavy duty, high temperature operating conditions. 
Compatible with mineral ATF fluids Reduced concern in top-off situations and excellent seal materials leakage control.



Mobil Delvac Synthetic ATF is recommended by ExxonMobil for use in modern high performance trucks, buses, utility vehicles, haulers, vans and other equipment requiring Allison TES-295 and TES-468  or MB-Approval 236.91 performance levels.


Specifications and Approvals

Mobil Delvac Synthetic ATF has the following builder approvals:
Allison TES-295 (AN - 051005)
Allison TES-468 (AN – 051005)
MB-Approval 236.91
ZF TE-ML 04D/ 14C/ 16M/ 20C
Voith Turbo H55.633639
Voith Turbo DIWA Service Bulletin 013 & 118- Extended Drain


Typical Properties

Mobil Delvac Synthetic ATF  
Viscosity, ASTM D 445  
cSt @ 40º C 39
cSt @ 100º C 7.3
Brookfield Viscosity, ASTM D 5293  
-cP @ -40º C 8400
Viscosity Index, ASTM D 2270 168
Pour Point, ºC, ASTM D 97 -54
Flash Point, ºC, ASTM D 92 236
Density @15º C kg/l, ASTM D 4052 0.85
Color Red


Health and Safety

Health and Safety recommendations for this product can be found on the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) @