Mobil Delvac 1™ Advanced Fuel Economy
Advanced full synthetic, high-performance diesel engine oil

Mobil Delvac 1™ Advanced Fuel Economy 5W-30 is an advanced full synthetic, high-performance diesel engine oil that meets or exceeds leading industry and original equipment manufacturer (OEM) fuel economy specifications.
Mobil Delvac 1 Advanced Fuel Economy 5W-30 engine oil features an advanced low-ash formulation that delivers exceptional protection for most engine and exhaust aftertreatment parts. Its cutting-edge technology provides:
- Best-in-class fuel economy potential*
- Extended oil drain interval (ODI) potential up to 3X the average OEM ODI recommendation†
- Long engine life and reliable operation in a wide range of applications
- Emission system protection
Tested and developed with the consideration of different diesel fuel qualities, Mobil Delvac 1 Advanced Fuel Economy 5W-30 engine oil was designed to protect engines with the use of biofuel components. Mobil Delvac 1 Advanced Fuel Economy 5W-30 engine oil should only be used where an API FA-4 oil is recommended by the OEM. Before using this product in an engine, users should consult recommendations as shown in an owner's manual or other service bulletins.
Mobil Delvac 1 Advanced Fuel Economy 5W-30 diesel engine oil is recommended by ExxonMobil for use in:
- Heavy-duty, low-emission diesel engines where API FA-4 is recommended by the engine builder/OEM, utilizing technologies such as diesel particulate filter (DPF), selective catalytic reduction (SCR), continuously regenerating traps (CRT), diesel oxidation catalysts (DOC) and exhaust gas recirculation (EGR)
- Sophisticated heavy-duty high performance diesel engines where API FA-4 is recommended by the engine builder/OEM with turbo-charger, direct injection and low emission designs, featuring all types of exhaust after-treatment technology Direct-injection or naturally aspirated and turbocharged, diesel-powered equipment
- On-highway short-haul and long-haul trucks and buses
*Relative to conventional 15W-40 engine oil, and within Mobil Delvac 1™ product range.
Actual fuel economy improvement dependent on vehicle/engine type, outside temperature, driving conditions and the viscosity of current engine oil.
†Based on US engine manufacturers’ (OEM) average oil drain intervals (ODI) API CK-4 / API FA-4 recommendation. Results vary based on vehicle/engine condition, driving and environmental conditions. Consult OEM or ExxonMobil before implementing extended ODIs, especially if the equipment/vehicle is under warranty.
‡Based on measured viscosity increase in the Volvo T-13 test.
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