Wind Turbines generating energy

Wind energy

Your challenges
You work hard for your customers, and every day you face new challenges. You must meet increasing energy production demands while managing equipment located in more remote areas and extreme conditions. 
Our solutions 
With state-of-the-art products, services and application expertise, we help you meet your challenges. Our advanced solutions are designed to: 
  • Provide long lubrication intervals 
  • Minimize unscheduled maintenance 
  • Enhance equipment life and productivity 

Lubrication services

Our skilled engineers provide hands-on guidance and application expertise through lubrication services that include Wind turbine flushing and filtration, as well as startup and cleanliness guidance.
To help you monitor lubricant and equipment condition, and avoid unscheduled maintenance, we offer Mobil Serv℠ Lubricant Analysis, including a program specifically tailored to wind turbine applications. 

Search the schematic  

Click on the image below to search for equipment and applications specific to your industry. Use the red hotspots or menu on the right to see lists of corresponding lubricants and get detailed product information.  
*The program is designed to help save time and money, while boosting equipment reliability and productivity. Find out how it can help your operation.
*This performance is based on the experience of a single customer. Actual results may vary.

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