Mobil™ CVTF Multi-Vehicle

Mobil passenger-vehicle-lube , Thailand

Mobil passenger-vehicle-lube. Continuously Variable Transmission Fluid, Full Synthetic

Product Description

Mobil CVTF Multi-Vehicle is a full synthetic lubricant formulated from high-quality synthetic base oils combined with advanced additive system to meet servicing needs of the broad range of vehicles manufactured in America, Europe and Asia, with wet continuously variable (step-less) transmissions.


Its versatility of use is a plus for workshops aiming to ensure an optimal service to their customers while simplifying their operations and product management.


Features and Benefits

Mobil CVTF Multi-Vehicle provides consistent all-weather smooth shifting and lubrication protection to help extend transmission service life and provide a comfortable driving experience.

• Outstanding torque capacity retention provide smooth shift feel without NVH (Noise Vibration Harshness) concerns

• Excellent protection against wear, rust and corrosion to preserve transmission life

• Excellent oxidation and shear stability contributes to long fluid life

• Excellent flow properties provide immediate lubrication and protection at cold start-up



ExxonMobil recommends Mobil CVTF Multi-Vehicle for service fill use in a broad range of belt or chain type continuously variable transmissions with following applications.

• Audi: Multitronic

• BMW Mini Cooper: EZL 799/ 83 22 0 136 376/ 83 22 0 429 154

• Chery: CVT, WCF-1

• Citroen / Peugeot / PSA: Standard 9735EF

• Daihatsu: AMMIX CVTF Fluid DFE, DC, DFC, TC

• Dodge/Jeep/Chrysler: NS-2, CVT+4

• Fiat: Tutela Car CVT N.G

• Ford: WSD-M2C-199A

• Fujijyuuko: i-CVTF FG

• GM/Saturn: DEX-CVT, I-Green2, VT40, HP CVT, GM1940713 and 1940714

• Honda: HCF2, Multimatic HMMF (without starting clutch), Z-1 (CVT model, without starting clutch), CVT (not for use in any Honda with starting clutch)

• Hyundai/Kia: CVT-1, SP III (CVT model)

• Lexus: Fluid TC, FE

• Mazda: JWS 3320

• MG Rover: EM-CVT

• Mini Cooper: EZL/EZL 799A.ZF CVT V1

• Mitsubishi: CVTF-J1 (MMC Diaqueen CVT Fluid J1), CVTF-J4 and -J4+ (MMC Diaqueen CVT Fluid J4 and J4+), SP-III (CVT model only), ECO J4, MA1

• Opel/Vauxhall: 7-speed CVT, 95529854

• Nissan: NS-1, NS-2, NS-2V, NS-3, NS-CVT

• Perodua: D-CVT

• Punch: CVT (without starting clutch)

• Renault: Matic CVT

• Subaru: iCVT, iCVT FG, ECVT, Lineartronic chain CVT and CVT II Fluid, K0425Y0710 & K0425Y0711, Lineartronic chain CVT 3 Fluid, Lineartronic High Torque (HT) CVT Fluid, CV-30, K0421Y0700, High Torque CVTF-LV

• Suzuki: CVTF TC, CVTF 3320, CVTF 4401, NS-2, Green 1, Green 1V, Green 2

• Toyota: CVTF TC, FE

• Volvo: CVT 4959

• VW/Audi: TL 521 16 (G 052 516), TL 521 80 (G 052 180)

• Zoyote: CVT


Also suitable for Hybrid and Electric vehicles:

• Ford Escape Hybrid with eCVT

• Honda: e:HEV, iMMD

• Jatco: JR712E, CVT 8 Hybrid


• Nissan: e Power, Altima Hybrid

• Tesla: Model S and Model 3

• Toyota: THSII/Toyota Prius, THS 5th Gen. / Toyota Noah, Voxy etc.



Always check your owner's manual and/or warranty for the required or approved type of CVT fluid, as applicable. Good maintenance practice dictates that automatic transmissions be checked for proper fluid levels at regular intervals, and that the fluid be drained and replaced at intervals recommended by the manufacturer. Some manufacturers recommend more frequent changes of transmission fluid under severe driving conditions such as those that occur in heavy traffic, in hot weather, or when pulling a trailer.


Mobil CVT Multi-Vehicle recommendations are based on a combination of independent field and laboratory testing. The list of manufacturers and specifications above is just a sample of applications where ExxonMobil supports the use of Mobil CVT Multi-Vehicle.  It is important to note that the respective vehicle manufacturers have not evaluated nor approved the product in these applications, except where noted in the Specifications and Approvals section. Mobil CVT Multi-Vehicle should not be used in DCT type automatic transmissions.


Properties and Specifications



Pour Point, °C, ASTM D97


Kinematic Viscosity @ 40 C, mm2/s, ASTM D445


Flash Point, Cleveland Open Cup, °C, ASTM D92


Density, 15 C, g/cm3, ASTM D4052


Kinematic Viscosity @ 100 C, mm2/s, ASTM D445


Brookfield Viscosity @ -40 C, mPa.s, ASTM D2983



Health and safety

Health and Safety recommendations for this product can be found on the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) @

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ExxonMobil Marketing (Thailand) Limited

3195/26, 22nd Floor, Rama IV Road

Klong Ton, Klong Toey District

Bangkok 10110



+66 2 407 4000

Typical Properties are typical of those obtained with normal production tolerance and do not constitute a specification.  Variations that do not affect product performance are to be expected during normal manufacture and at different blending locations.  The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. All products may not be available locally. For more information, contact your local ExxonMobil contact or visit
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