Mobil 1™ ESP X4 0W-40

Mobil passenger-vehicle-lube , Singapore

Advanced Multigrade Synthetic Four-Stroke Motorcycle Engine Oil

Product Description

Mobil 1™ ESP X4 0W-40 is an advanced full synthetic engine oil specifically designed to provide outstanding wear protection, engine cleanliness, and strong durability to keep your engine running like new.


Mobil 1™ ESP X4 0W-40 combines durability and protection with a low friction engine oil that was designed in cooperation with key European Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs).


Mobil 1™ ESP X4 0W-40 has been expertly engineered to help prolong the life and maintain the efficiency of emission systems in new emerging diesel and gasoline powered European vehicles that require SAE 0W-40 viscosity grades.


Features and Benefits

Mobil 1™ ESP X4 0W-40 is made with a proprietary blend of leading edge components formulated to be fully compatible with the latest Diesel Particulate Filters (DPF) and Gasoline Catalytic Converters (CAT). Mobil 1™ ESP X4 0W-40 has been designed to help deliver outstanding performance and protection.


Key features and potential benefits include:

•  Reduce particulate buildup in diesel particulate filters

•  Reduce poisoning of gasoline catalytic converters

•  Reduce deposits and sludge buildup to enable long and clean engine life

•  Reduce oil aging, allowing extended drain interval protection



Mobil 1™ ESP X4 0W-40 is recommended for high-performance gasoline and diesel engines in the latest passenger cars, SUVs and light vans that require SAE 0W-40 viscosity grades.

•  Mobil 1™ ESP X4 0W-40 helps to protect exhaust gas after-treatment systems designed to limit engine emissions.


•  Mobil 1™ ESP X4 0W-40 is not recommended for 2-Cycle or aviation engines, unless specifically approved by the manufacturer.



Always consult the owner's manual of the vehicle for the manufacturer's recommended viscosity grade and specifications


Specifications and Approvals


This product has the following approvals:

Porsche A40


VW 511 00

MB 229.52

MB 229.51


This product is recommended for use in applications requiring:


ACEA C2-21 Application Suitable


This product meets or exceeds the requirements of:


Recommended by ExxonMobil for applications requiring ACEA C2

FIAT FIAT 9.55535-S2


Properties and Specifications




SAE 0W-40

Total Base Number, mgKOH/g, ASTM D2896


Hi-Temp Hi-Shear Viscosity @ 150 C 1x10(6) sec(-1), mPa.s, ASTM D4683


Kinematic Viscosity @ 100 C, mm2/s, ASTM D445


Kinematic Viscosity @ 40 C, mm2/s, ASTM D445


Viscosity Index, ASTM D2270


Mini-Rotary Viscometer, Apparent Viscosity, -40 C, mPa.s, ASTM D4684


Density @ 15 C, g/ml, ASTM D4052


Pour Point, °C, ASTM D97


Flash Point, Cleveland Open Cup, °C, ASTM D92



Health and safety

Health and Safety recommendations for this product can be found on the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) @

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ExxonMobil Asia Pacific Ltd
1 HarbourFront Place
#06-00 HarbourFront Tower One
Singapore 098633

+65 6885 8000

Typical Properties are typical of those obtained with normal production tolerance and do not constitute a specification.  Variations that do not affect product performance are to be expected during normal manufacture and at different blending locations.  The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. All products may not be available locally. For more information, contact your local ExxonMobil contact or visit
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