Mobil™ Heavy Duty SCA Precharged 50/50 Prediluted Coolant/Antifreeze

Mobil commercial-vehicle-lube , Mexico

SCA PRECHARGED 50/50 Prediluted Coolant/Antifreeze

Product Description

Mobil Heavy Duty 50/50 Prediluted Coolant/Antifreeze is a ready to use phosphate-free, ethylene glycol based, heavy-duty diesel engine coolant.


Mobil Heavy Duty 50/50 Prediluted Coolant/Antifreeze provides optimum protection against cavitation erosion, corrosion, scale, overheating, and freezing for all heavy-duty cooling system applications. Because it is precharged with a high quality Supplemental Coolant Additive (SCA), Mobil Heavy Duty 50/50 Prediluted Coolant/Antifreeze requires no SCAs at initial fill and helps ensures proper chemistry is maintained at every top-off.


Mobil Heavy Duty 50/50 Prediluted Coolant/Antifreeze is a fully formulated universal formula coolant/antifreeze, having the advantages of low total dissolved solids, low silicate and incorporates nitrite to provide exceptional wet sleeve liner cavitation protection.


Additional advantages of using Mobil Heavy Duty 50/50 Prediluted Coolant/Antifreeze include its phosphate-free formula that reduces the risk of scale and state-of-the-art corrosion inhibitors that eliminate the need for expensive deionized water.


Mobil Heavy Duty 50/50 Prediluted Coolant/Antifreeze is recommended for use in On-road and off-road heavy-duty diesel and gasoline engines, as well as mixed fleets where both light-duty and heavy-duty vehicles are present.


Features and Benefits

•  No initial SCA precharge required

•  Effective corrosion protection for aluminum, brass, cast iron, colder, steel and copper

•  Contains nitrite for excellent pitting protection for wet sleeve cylinder liners

•  Phosphate-free formula reduces hard water scale deposits

•  Inhibitor system helps reduce drop-out, gel and scale

•  Compatible with other commercially available fully formulated coolants

•  Compatible with heavy-duty diesel SCAs and cooling system filters

•  Universal low silicate formula helps reduce deposits



Mobil Heavy Duty 50/50 Prediluted Coolant/Antifreeze is recommended by ExxonMobil for use in applications requiring the following specifications:


Chrysler MS7170

ASTM D3306; ASTM D4340; ASTM D4985; ASTMD6210

Cummins 90T8-4

GM 1825M; GM 1899M

Ford ESE-M97B44-A Sec. 3.1.1 & 3.1.2

Cummins 14603


Detroit Diesel 7SE298

Freightliner 48-22880


John Deere H24A1/H24C1

Mack Truck



Navistar B1

TMC RP 329


Properties and Specifications




Specific Gravity @ 60/60°F, ASTM D1122


Freezing Point, 50 Vol. %, °F, ASTM D3321 or D1177


Boiling Point, 50 Vol. %, °F, ASTM D1120


pH, 50% Volume Solution, ASTM D1287


Reserve Alkalinity, ml, ASTM D1121


Color, Visual

Pink / Fuchsia

Health and safety

Health and Safety recommendations for this product can be found on the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) @

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ExxonMobil Mexico, S.A. de C.V.
Poniente 146 No. 760 Col. Industrial Vallejo
C.P. 02300 Mexico, Ciudad de Mexico

(01 52) 55 5-333-9602 (01 52) 1-800-90-739-00

Typical Properties are typical of those obtained with normal production tolerance and do not constitute a specification.  Variations that do not affect product performance are to be expected during normal manufacture and at different blending locations.  The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. All products may not be available locally. For more information, contact your local ExxonMobil contact or visit
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