Mobil Pegasus™ 605 Ultra 40

Mobil industrial , Denmark

Gas Engine Oil

Product Description

Mobil Pegasus™ 605 Ultra 40 is the latest generation of gas engine oil primarily intended for the lubrication of modern medium and high-speed four-cycle engines operating on landfill gas that contains contaminants such as hydrogen sulphide, halides or siloxane. Its formulation has been carefully balanced to provide extended oil drain intervals, control the formation of carbon and varnish deposits, with very good anti-wear and anti-scuff performance.


Features and Benefits

•  Exceptional oxidation stability, nitration resistance and thermal stability that help extend oil life, clean engines, reduce filter costs and resist deposit formation

•  Very good anti-wear characteristics help to reduce wear of engine components, reduce scuffing of liners in highly loaded gas engines and provide break-in protection

•  Extraordinary detergent-dispersant system provides protection of upper cylinder and valve train components, clean engines and long filter life

•  Optimized TBN and reserve alkalinity help protect valve seats and faces on four-cycle engines, improve spark plug performance, and reduce power loss from detonation



     •  Engines operating on fuel containing corrosive materials such as THCl (Total Organic Halides as Chloride) such as landfill or biomass gas

     •  Gas engines operating on fuel that contains moderate levels of hydrogen sulfide (H2S)

     •  Spark ignited four-cycle gas engines with very low lube oil consumption

     •  Medium and high speed four-cycle engines equipped with catalytic converters requiring a low ash gas engine oil

     •  Reciprocating compressors operating on natural gas that contains sulphur or chlorine compounds


Specifications and Approvals

This product has the following approvals:

INNIO Waukesha Engine Landfill Gas Applications

MWM TR 0199-99-2105, Lube Oils for Gas Engines

INNIO Jenbacher TI 1000-1109 (Class B fuel gas, Type 2 & 3)

INNIO Jenbacher TI 1000-1109 (Class B fuel gas, Type 4A, 4B & 4C)

INNIO Jenbacher TI 1000-1109 (Class B fuel gas, Type 6 up to version E)

INNIO Jenbacher TI 1000-1109 (Class C fuel gas, Type 2 & 3)

INNIO Jenbacher TI 1000-1109 (Class C fuel gas, Type 4A & 4B)

INNIO Jenbacher TI 1000-1109 (Class C fuel gas, Type 6 up to version E)

Caterpillar Energy Solutions TR 2105, Lube Oils for Gas Engines (CG132, CG170, CG260)

MAN M 3271-4

INNIO Jenbacher TI 1000-1109 (CAT (catalyst) approved)

INNIO Jenbacher TI 1000-1109 (Class C fuel gas, Type 4A, 4B & 4C) 
MAN M 3271-5 
MTU Gas Engines Series 4000 L62FB and L32FB using biogas with a reduced power output of 83kW/cyl. electr.


This product meets or exceeds the requirements of:



Properties and Specifications




SAE 40

Ash, Sulfated, mass%, ASTM D874


Density @ 15.6 C, kg/l, ASTM D1298


Flash Point, Cleveland Open Cup, °C, ASTM D92


Kinematic Viscosity @ 100 C, mm2/s, ASTM D445


Kinematic Viscosity @ 40 C, mm2/s, ASTM D445


Pour Point, °C, ASTM D97


Viscosity Index, ASTM D2270


Base Number - Xylene/Acetic Acid, mg KOH/g, ASTM D2896 (*)


(*) use of other ASTM approved solvents may yield different results

Health and safety

Health and Safety recommendations for this product can be found on the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) @

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ExxonMobil Nordic
Affiliate of ExxonMobil Nordic AS, Norway
Gydevang 39-41
DK-3450 Alleroed, Denmark
Tel: +45 45 99 02 10
Fax : +45 45 99 02 80

Typical Properties are typical of those obtained with normal production tolerance and do not constitute a specification.  Variations that do not affect product performance are to be expected during normal manufacture and at different blending locations.  The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. All products may not be available locally. For more information, contact your local ExxonMobil contact or visit 
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