Mobil™ Mining Coolant 50%

Mobil commercial-vehicle-lube , Brazil

Antifreeze & Coolant

Product Description

Mobil™ Mining Coolant 50% is a is a ready-to-use coolant that acts as a corrosion inhibitor, antifreeze and anti-boil with stabilizers and foam suppressants in heavy-duty cooling systems. a blend of monoethylene glycol, deionized water, and a corrosion inhibitor package. Contains nitrite and molybdate in its composition, being free from salts such as nitrate, phosphate, borate and silicate.

Features and Benefits

Mobil™ Mining Coolant 50% has the following features and benefits:


• Ready to use" refrigerant solution and does not require dilution in the field

• Contains nitrite in the composition to provide excellent protection against cavitation corrosion

• Provides superior protection to all metal alloys in the system, even after an aging period, when conventional inorganic based additives such as silicates and borates lose efficiency and require reinforcing filler

• Ensures good stability and absence of deposits, due to the absence of silicates and phosphates;

• Good stability at high temperatures

• Does not require the addition of supplementary additives (SCA), avoiding errors in the dilution of the mixture

• Minimizes corrosion by cavitation and erosion of the water pump by its foam suppressing property;

• Does not attack elastomers - hoses and gaskets



Mobil™ Mining Coolant 50% is indicated as a coolant in mining equipment cooling systems, for a varied fleet of diesel powered heavy vehicles such as trucks, on-highway fleets, agricultural equipment, off-highway equipment, passenger vehicles and pick-ups.

Mobil™ Mining Coolant 50% provides excellent performance with long-lasting corrosion protection in aqueous systems in the presence of multi-metals such as iron, steel, copper, brass, aluminum and its alloys, soft solder and silver solder.

Meets or Exceeds:
ASTM D3306
ASTM D6210
ASTM D4340
ABNT NBR 13705
Caterpillar CAT ELC - EC-1
Chrysler MS7170 Sec. A&B 1-4
Cummins CES 14603
MTU MTL 5048
Navistar MPAPS B-1
Volvo / Mack Trucks
Mack Truck ELC Coolant
Freighliner 48-22880
TCM RP 329

Properties and Specifications



Boiling Point, C, ASTM D1120


Color, Visual


Foaming at 24 C, Volume, ml, ASTM D892


Density 20 C, g/ml, ASTM D1122


Freeze Point (no dilution), C, ASTM D1177


pH, of Finished Product, ASTM D1287


Foaming at 24 C, Time, s, ASTM D892



Health and safety

Health and Safety recommendations for this product can be found on the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) @

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Cosan Lubrificantes e Especialidades S.A.

Praia da Ribeira, 01

21930-080  Rio de Janeiro – RJ - BRASIL
Tel: 0800 644 1562

Typical Properties are typical of those obtained with normal production tolerance and do not constitute a specification.  Variations that do not affect product performance are to be expected during normal manufacture and at different blending locations.  The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. All products may not be available locally. For more information, contact your local ExxonMobil contact or visit
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