Mobil Dynagear Series

Mobil industrial , Brazil

Multi-Season, Multipurpose Lubricants for Open Gears

Product Description

The Mobil Dynagear Series of premium performance open gear lubricants is designed to provide outstanding protection of heavily loaded open gear sets exposed to a wide range of operating conditions. The Mobil Dynagear Series is based on lithium thickener technology, carefully chosen high performance additives and high viscosity semi-synthetic base fluids. These components synergistically provide a lubricant film that firmly adheres to lubricated surfaces. All members of the Mobil Dynagear Series are formulated solvent free and provide excellent dispensability without the use of chlorinated or hydrocarbon solvents.


The Mobil Dynagear Series' solvent free technology can help to significantly reduce run-off that can occur during lubricant application. Reduced run-off can help to establish a cohesive lubricating film quickly and enable optimization of the lubricant dispensing systems. A properly set-up dispensing system helps produce less waste while delivering the optimum lubricant film required to protect the gear set. The Mobil Dynagear Series can help reduce handling and waste disposal costs and the impact of fugitive emissions on the environment associated with the use of hydrocarbon solvents.


The Mobil Dynagear Series does not contain carbon black or asphalt. Additionally, the Mobil Dynagear Series does not form hardened tar like materials in the gear tooth root, does not flake off at low temperatures, can help keep spray injectors from plugging and has excellent low temperature pumpability. The Mobil Dynagear Series premium performance technology enables simpler and potentially less expensive clean-up of the gear teeth and guard, helping to reduce the amount of maintenance and inspection work necessary on critical open gear systems.


Features and Benefits

Mobil Dynagear 800 Extra, 600 SL, 2000 are leading members of the Mobil Industrial Lubricants offered greases. The Mobil Dynagear Series of products have been specifically designed by ExxonMobil formulation technologists and are backed by our worldwide technical support staff.

The Mobil Dynagear Series was specifically formulated to meet the needs of heavily loaded gearsets commonly found in the mining industry that require exceptional EP /Anti-Wear performance and which would remain in place even in tough conditions of water spray, dust and dirt, and high and low temperatures. These greases offer the following features, advantages, and potential benefits:



Advantages and Potential Benefits

Solvent free formulation

Higher lubricant flash points can help improve safety performance and reduce waste and associated disposal costs

Asphalt free formulation

Helps maintain system cleanliness, clean spray nozzles, prevents root build up and prevent flaking.

Carbon Black Free formulation

Carbon black is not used in the formulation and thereby does not contribute to potential health effects related to exposure to carbon black.

Excellent water resistance

"Stay in Place" performance and the ability to absorb moderate amounts of water with little change to the lubricant film

Excellent anti-rust, corrosion control

Long life for protected parts helps reduce maintenance associated with damaged surfaces

Very good low temperature pumpability and mobility for use in centralized systems

Provides excellent low temperature pumpability and start-up performance, a key feature for remote applications.

Powerful EP (extreme pressure) protection enhanced with solid lubricants

Helps protect mating surfaces against damaging wear in contact zones, helping to extended component life and reduce unplanned maintenance and repairs



     •  The Mobil Dynagear Series of open gear lubricants are highly recommended for shovel dipper sticks and racks, swing gears (circle), propel system bushings, crowd gears, sheave bearings and undercarriage lubrication points.

     •  Mobil Dynagear 800 Extra and Mobil Dynagear 600 SL are recommended as all season multi-purpose greases and as low temperature open gear lubricants.

     •  Mobil Dynagear 2000 is specifically designed for use in applications operating at higher ambient temperatures and requiring greater film thickness.

     •  Mobil Dynagear 800 Extra meets the requirements of P&H SHOVELS 464 OGL for the lubrication of open gears. 

     •  The Mobil Dynagear Series is recommended by ExxonMobil for use in mining, grinding, mill applications and other industrial applications, where the grease is dispensed through central grease systems

     •  Mobil Dynagear 800 Extra is suitable for use as an all-season, multi-purpose grease for on-board systems on heavy duty equipment where NLGI 00 grade greases are recommended.


To help you select the correct grade of Mobil Dynagear for your equipment and operation, please contact your Sales Representative, or the ExxonMobil Technical Help Desk at 800 268 3183.


Specifications and Approvals

This product meets or exceeds the requirements of:


P&H Shovels 464 OGL



Properties and Specifications






NLGI 00.5

NLGI 0.5

NLGI 00.5

Dropping Point, °C, ASTM D2265




Thickener, wt%, AMS 1699
 >2.0 >2.0  >2.0
Penetration, 60X, 0.1 mm, ASTM D217
 380  335  400
Viscosity @ 40 C, Base Oil, mm2/s, ASTM D445
 2000  620  680
Viscosity @ 100 C, Base Oil, mm2/s, ASTM D445
 120 60 60

Flash Point, Base Oil, °C, ASTM D92




Four-Ball Extreme Pressure Test, Load Wear Index, kgf, ASTM D2596




Four-Ball Extreme Pressure Test, Weld Load, kgf, ASTM D2596




Four-Ball Wear Test, Scar Diameter, mm, ASTM D2266




Timken OK Load, lb, ASTM D2509
 25 25 45
Rust Protection, Rating, ASTM D1743
Copper Strip Corrosion, 24 h, 100 C, Rating, ASTM D4048
 1B 1B  1B

Pumpability, Lincoln Ventometer @ -20C, psi, PQP 3.48

117 @ -20°C



Pumpability, Lincoln Ventometer @ -35C, psi, PQP 3.48


183 @ -35°C


Pumpability, Lincoln Ventometer @ -40C, psi, PQP 3.48



200 @ -40°C

Viscosity, Apparent @ 20 s-1, -15 C, P, ASTM D1092

9000 @ -15°C



Viscosity, Apparent @ 20 s-1, -30 C, P, ASTM D1092


10,000 @ -30°C


Viscosity, Apparent @ 20 s-1, -40 C, P, ASTM D1092


38,000 @ -40°C

10,000 @ -40°C

Viscosity, Apparent @ 20 s-1, 0 C, P, ASTM D1092

2000 @ 0°C




Health and Safety

Health and Safety recommendations for this product can be found on the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) @

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Cosan Lubrificantes e Especialidades S.A.

Praia da Ribeira, 01

21930-080  Rio de Janeiro – RJ - BRASIL
Tel: 0800 644 1562

Typical Properties are typical of those obtained with normal production tolerance and do not constitute a specification.  Variations that do not affect product performance are to be expected during normal manufacture and at different blending locations.  The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. All products may not be available locally. For more information, contact your local ExxonMobil contact or visit
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